Common challenges

Low number of T-to-C mutations in cB

If there are very few T-to-C mutations in the final cB.csv file (e.g., if sample-wide mutation rates in +s4U samples are < 0.003), then you may have used the incorrect value for the strandedness parameter in the config. One way to tell if this is the case is by looking at one of the +s4U sample counts.csv files in results/counts/ and checking for an abundance of A-to-G mutations. If this is the case, flip the value of strandedness to the opposite of whatever you used.

Related to the first point, a good sanity check after running the pipeline is going into R and checking the raw mutation rates as such:


# To unzip and read cB, also need to have R.utils package installed
cB <- fread("path/to/cB.csv.gz")

# Assess sample-wide T-to-C mutation rate in each sample
cB[,.(mutrate = sum(TC*n)/sum(nT*n), by = sample]
  # Want to see that +s4U samples has higher mutation rate than -s4U samples

Similarly, checking a counts.csv file for an abundance of A-to-G mutations can be done as follows:


counts <- fread("path/to/+s4U/counts.csv.gz")

## Check if A-to-G mutation rate is higher than T-to-C mutation rate:

# A-to-G mutation rate

# T-to-C mutation rate

Lots of __ambiguous XF or GF

If a large number of reads in the cB.csv.gz file have an XF (or GF; i.e., the feature that the reads are mapped to) of __ambiguous, this likely has a similar cause to the low T-to-C mutation problem discussed above. Version 1.0.1 of bam2bakR and earlier had a bug that caused quantification of features to always assume forward strandedness. This bug was corrected in version 1.0.2. Thus, one solution is to rerun bam2bakR with version 1.0.2+, with the proper library strandedness noted in the config. If you have reverse stranded data that you would like to run through an older version of bam2bakR, a simple hack is to just flip the fastq files during alignment. That is, provide read 2 as the read 1 fastq and vice versa. This will reverse the strandedness of your library and make it effectively forward stranded.